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How to remove lip make-up
For super soft lips.
13 sec.Handle with care! The eyes and lips require a special removal method that combines effectiveness and gentleness. Our make-up removers are perfect for:
2 steps for super soft lips
Moisten a cotton pad and place it at the corner of your mouth.
3 seconds
Hold the corner of your mouth in place with one hand, then swipe the cotton pad over the lips with the other.
10 seconds
Our expert tips
Whatever you do, don’t tug at the skin! Hold the corner of the mouth in place with one hand as you remove make-up with the other.
Denise Barthe, International Training Director
One-Step Facial Cleanser with Orange Extract
kr 285,00
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How to remove makeup without water
Get fresh, clean skin with our cleansing milk
Watch the videoHow to remove eye make-up
Discover Clarins Eye Make-Up Remover to protect your eyes against irritation.
Watch the videoAll our methods
Face care