Victoria, a PhD in fashion and founder of Inthefrow, teaches you all about lip layering. Combine lip care and colour for a delectable, hydrated, glossy pout.
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How to achieve beautiful lips
with Lip Comfort Oil - by Inthefrow
For a delectable pout!
Shopping Selection
Lip Comfort Oil
SHOP NOWLipliner Pencil
SHOP NOWJoli Rouge
SHOP NOWLip Comfort Oil
SHOP NOWInthefrow’s look
Victoria, a PhD in fashion and founder of Inthefrow, teaches you all about lip layering. Combine lip care and colour for a delectable, hydrated, glossy pout.
2 tips for beautiful lips
Plump: Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil 06
1. Line: Lip Pencil 01
2. Unleash the colour: Joli Rouge 742
3. Add a glossy touch: Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil 01
Our expert tips
To wake up to plumped lips, apply Lip Comfort Oil before bed (after removing all traces of make-up).
Eric Antoniotti, International Make-Up Training Director
Instant Light
Natural Lip Perfector
SHOP NOWInstant Light
Lip Comfort Oil
SHOP NOWLipliner Pencil
SHOP NOWJoli Rouge
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